AGYLE builds a bridge between young African and German leaders and establishes a sustainable business network. A jury will select forty participants from Germany, Ethiopia, Ghana and Rwanda. All young leaders will be invited to a digital week in October 2021 and an innovative face-to-face event in Berlin in 2022.

AGYLE-Week and Business Networking

Selected young leaders are invited to join the AGYLE week, which will focus on interdisciplinary exchange and networking, professional motivation and cross-border cooperation to develop innovative business models. In 2021, this event will be held digitally due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Virtual Design Thinking Lab

The heart of the programme is a virtual design thinking lab, in which mixed teams develop and refine selected ideas and business models. A jury will award a prize for the most innovative and promising idea at the final event. The week will be rounded off by virtual discussion rounds, keynote speeches, bar camps, company tours and cultural activities. In addition, all participants will be introduced to an exclusive digital business network.


GYLE’s motto for 2021 is:

“Crisis as a Chance – Young Leaders Prototyping the Future”

Whether in business, politics or public health – crises are changing our lives worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown, in real time, how our everyday lives must change and adapt in order to overcome the challenges. But how can we shape this change in a proactive and positive way, and how can economic cooperation enable healthy, safe, fair and sustainable living?


AGYLE is a programme of the Agency for Business and Economic Development (AWE) and Germany – Land of Ideas. AWE is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by GIZ and DEG.


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