The Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators was first established in 1995. It acknowledges outstanding contributions to biomedical research in Europe based on methods of molecular biology, including novel analytical concepts.
The Award is presented in partnership with the scientific journal Nature.
Prize money: 20,000 EUR
Download poster Call for Entries 2021
In 2020, Eppendorf AG, the Hamburg life science company, is presenting its highly prestigious research prize for the 25th time. The independent Eppendorf Award Jury chaired by Prof. Reinhard Jahn selected Prof. Dr. Randall J. Platt, Assistant Professor of Biological Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, as the 2020 winner of the Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators.
Randall Platt, born 1987, receives the € 20,000 prize for his pioneering work developing a method to record timelines of gene expression events using a CRISPR-Cas system.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Award ceremony for Randall Platt, planned for June 2020 at the EMBL ATC in Heidelberg, initially postponed by one year, was ultimately cancelled.
Instead, there will be a live stream of the double award ceremony for Randall Platt and the 2021 winner on June 24, 2021. More information to follow in due time.
Who can apply for the award?
Young researchers not older than 35 years with an advanced degree who are performing biomedical research in Europe based on methods of molecular biology, including novel analytical concepts.
How to apply
Online applications for the Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators are accepted from October 1 of each year onwards at www.eppendorf.com/award/application
Your application must include:
- your personal data
- your curriculum vitae
- a title describing the subject of your research
- an essay of max. 2,000 characters (incl. spaces) summarizing your research
- a brief description of your major discovery
- your publication list with PDF files of your published papers (min. 3 – max. 5)
Your application and all submitted documents must be in English.
Judging procedures
Eppendorf has no influence on deciding who receives the award.
The prize is awarded by an independent committee composed of five renowned experts under the chairmanship of Prof. Reinhard Jahn (Director Emeritus at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany), from the fields of:
- Cellular Neurobiology (Prof. Reinhard Jahn: Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany)
- Genetics and Cell Biology (Prof. Maria Leptin: Director EMBO, Heidelberg, Germany)
- Protein Biochemistry (Prof. Martin J. Lohse: University of Wuerzburg, Germany)
- Cell Biology (Prof. Laura Machesky: Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute, Glasgow, UK)
The papers submitted will be evaluated with respect to the following five selection criteria:
1. Independent scientific work
2. Creativity (independent of instructions from head of institute)
3. Successful practical application of research approach
4. Significance of research results for the field of medicine
5. Achievement of candidate in relation to his/her age
The main focus is on investigating the molecular biological mechanisms of the human organism and then translating this research into practical findings. The long-term goal is the diagnosis and therapy of those diseases which have yet to be treated successfully.
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