Michael Baldwin Memorial Scholarship
Value: Up to $10,000
Study Level: All
Subject Area: Any
Closing Date: 15 Aug 2020
Michael Baldwin was a staff member at The University of Waikato at the time of his death in 2003.
He had taught for a number of years in Papua New Guinea – at the institute currently known as
the University of Goroka – before his appointment to the Centre for Foundation Studies at The
University of Waikato. This Scholarship commemorates Michael’s commitment to teaching and to
assisting others in their educational endeavours, and was made possible through the generosity
of the Baldwin family.
1. Eligibility
1.1. To be eligible, candidates must:
a) be citizens of any South Pacific nation (citizens of New Zealand or Australia are
not eligible to apply)
b) be either enrolled or intending to enrol in an approved full-time programme of
study at the University of Waikato in the year of tenure of the Scholarship
c) applications are particularly encouraged from students who are citizens of Papua
New Guinea
2. Value
2.1. The value of the Scholarship will be up to $10,000. The amount offered is at the discretion
of the Selection Panel and will be based on criteria such as, but not limited to, total
available funding, period of enrolment, grades, financial need, number of credits enrolled,
number of applicants.
3. Application
3.1. The closing date for applications is 15 August 2020
3.2. Along with completing the online application form, each candidate must submit:
a) a personal statement; (using the Personal Statement template)
explaining the candidate’s plans to contribute to development/society in
the South Pacific region in the future
outlining the need for financial support
providing details of any funding sources, additional to this scholarship, that
are available to support the candidate’s travel to, and studies in, New
b) two references: an academic reference (attesting to the candidate’s likely
academic progress at University), and a character reference;
c) a CV (no more than 4 A4 pages);
Michael Baldwin Memorial
Scholarship 2021
d) proof of citizenship and
e) verified copies of academic transcripts (including grading scale) from any other
tertiary institution(s) you have attended.
4. Selection Criteria
4.1. The Scholarship will be offered on the information provided in the documents requested
a) preference may be given to candidates who can demonstrate a need for financial
support in order to undertake tertiary study
b) there is no restriction on the field of study but preference may be given to candidates
who are enrolled in a teacher education programme
5. Selection Panel
5.1. The Selection Panel will comprise of a representative of the Baldwin Family and a
representative of the Scholarships Committee as nominated by the Chair (or nominee).
5.2. The Selection Panel may refrain from making a recommendation if it finds no applicants
of sufficient merit.
5.3. The Selection Panel’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into
following the selection meeting.
6. Awarding
6.1. The offer of a Scholarship is conditional on being accepted and enrolled in the full-time
programme indicated in the application. Any variation in the academic programme that
materially affects the qualification for which the recipient is enrolled will require the
approval of a designated nominee of the Selection Panel.
6.2. The offer of a Scholarship must be accepted by the date indicated in the letter of offer.
If any candidate declines a Scholarship, or does not take it up, the offer shall lapse.
6.3. The Scholarship will have a maximum tenure of one year and must be taken up in the
year for which it is offered.
6.4. Payment of the Scholarship will be paid in two instalments (at the beginning of the
academic year and early in the student’s second semester of enrolment).
**Please note: this Scholarship will not cover all of the travel, living, and course-related
costs for overseas students studying in New Zealand. Candidates will require
additional funding in order to carry out their study in New Zealand.
7. Other Conditions
7.1. Applications for the Scholarship will be considered every two years (however, if no
award is made, the Scholarship will be open for application the following year). A past
applicant or recipient of the Scholarship is permitted to reapply.
7.2. Recipients must comply with the conditions of their Immigration New Zealand (INZ)
Student Visa.
7.3. The Scholarship may be held with any other bursary, scholarship, or award, provided
the regulations of the other award allow this.
**Please note: students already in receipt of an NZAID Scholarships are not eligible to apply
for additional funding, and so should not submit an application for this award.
7.4. The Scholarship may be held as part of any student exchange agreement that may be
arranged from time to time between the University of Goroka (Papua New Guinea) and
the University of Waikato. However, the awarding of a Scholarship shall not be taken to
imply that any such agreement does or will exist.
7.5. If a recipient is in receipt of a student allowance, another scholarship, or any type of
financial assistance, it is their responsibility to check their entitlement to other income
and any tax implications.
7.6. If, during the tenure of the Scholarship, a recipient’s circumstances change in such a
manner that their continued eligibility for the Scholarship may be affected, they must
inform the Scholarships Committee (via the Scholarships office) immediately.
7.7. The Scholarships Committee may terminate this Scholarship at any time, and recoup
any funds disbursed, if the holder withdraws from the University of Waikato, brings the
Scholarship, University or Sponsor into disrepute1 or is otherwise not complying with
the conditions governing the Scholarship and/or the regulations of the University of
Waikato. The holder of a Scholarship shall have the right to appeal to the Scholarships
Executive against any decision to terminate the Scholarship.
7.8. In accepting the Scholarship, the recipient will be deemed to have read, understood,
and accepted the conditions of the Scholarship and the Scholarships Policy.
7.9. By accepting the Scholarship, the recipient agrees to participate in any publicity
concerning the award arranged by the University of Waikato.
7.10. The Scholarships Committee has the power to amend or vary these regulations
provided that there is no departure from the main purpose of the Scholarship.