The Regional Studies Association (RSA) is committed to supporting the global community in researching and disseminating evidence on how regions, cities and industry are addressing the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). This Small Grant Scheme has been launched to support our community in this work. The money to fund this scheme has been repurposed from the Research Network scheme and Travel Grant scheme funding set aside for 2020 and has been topped up to allow more grants to be awarded.
In offering this funding, the RSA is seeking to promote and encourage research and dissemination activities, both within and across trans-national borders and to further the overall aims and objectives of the Association. Examples of research projects could cover economic, environmental, social, political, cultural, behavioural and technological change, and address conceptual, methodological, empirical or policy impacts. Topics could address specific countries, regions or cities, providing that wider implications for global audiences are addressed.
The award in brief:
- The value of the award is up to £4,000 (c. €4,500; $5,000).
- This award is open to single applicants or team of researchers.
- All applicants must be based within an eligible higher education institution (HEI) and must be a current individual (non-corporate) member of the Regional Studies Association and remain a member throughout the duration of the grant and reporting period.
- Where possible, teams of researchers should include an early career researcher.
- This Scheme aims to support a discrete piece of regional studies and/or regional science research on the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on regions cities and industry.
- Six awards will be made subject to the quality of applications.
- The award has a maximum research time span of up to 9 months and reporting conditions apply. The reporting conditions have to be fulfilled within 11 months from the date of the award letter.
- In addition to the grant sum, the RSA will cover one Article Publishing Charge (APC) for the journal Regional Studies, Regional Science.
- RSA Members may only hold one RSA grant at a time.
- The full Terms and Conditions governing the grant are available in the Handbook.
Forthcoming deadline: 22nd June 2020
FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE OPEN THIS LINK https://www.regionalstudies.org/funding/small-grant-scheme/#