Tomorrow’s Leaders Graduate (TLG) program is a MEPI initiative aiming at offering students from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) a unique opportunity to pursue higher education and earn a master’s degree through leading American University with U.S. accreditation in the MENA region. TLG equips graduate students with professional experience needed to advance knowledge and contribute to the achievement of socially relevant outcomes through research that furthers the professionalization of emerging leaders while supporting and increasing scholars’ knowledge in gender issues in specific in the various fields of study.
Graduate Students work closely with leading faculty in their field on research agendas crafted in line with the MEPI-TLG goals. Starting as graduate research assistants while taking their graduate courses, students gain solid research skills that prepare them to conceptualize and conduct their own full-fledged research.
Grounded in common foundational principles such as gender and intersectionality , as well as community service and leadership, the program provides participants with opportunities to engage in related extra-curricular activities. These activities create a sense of belonging and connections to an elite group of humanist and social entrepreneurs, with common concerns and leading roles. Those connections are expected to live beyond the span of the program study years as the participants become alumni of both, the TLG program, and the University. Over the whole path, students and graduates are treated as fellows of the program.
Note: Degrees in medicine or law are not supported under this program.
What Does the TLG program cover?
- Full coverage of all applicable charges for enrollment, tuition and fees;
- Medical insurance coverage;
- A monthly living allowance;
- Student housing;
- One laptop for the duration of the program;
- A yearly book allowance;
- Two round-trip tickets from and to home country, where applicable;
- Exposure to and engagement in different community development projects and/or internships in host country, and/or their home countries to learn about different forms of intervention and apply such learning back in their respective countries;
- Academic advising, mentoring services, and learning services;
- Professional training on leadership and gender.
Who Can Apply?
To be eligible to apply, you must:
- Be committed to complete your Master’s degree within two-years;
- Be committed to pursue hands-on public policy research and work as part of your Master’s program;
- Demonstrate academic excellence;
- Be a citizen of: Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Iraq, Syria (residing outside of Syria) Tunisia, or Yemen.
Note: American citizens or U.S. Legal Permanent Residents are not
eligible to apply. - Demonstrate financial need status per MEPI and host university Financial Aid policies. Applicants should be underrepresented or economically deserving students and should submit the relevant Financial Aid application.
Participating Universities
LAU: https://mepitl.lau.edu.lb/programs/graduate/
Application Process
We are now receiving applications for admissions in Fall term 2021.
Submit your Fall 2021-2022 application directly to your university of interest!
LAU: https://mepitl.lau.edu.lb/programs/graduate/
The deadline for application submission is March 2, 2021
For more information please open this link