Laidlaw College provides access to a number of scholarships and funds for students. All are annual unless otherwise stated. Scholarship award decisions will be made on the basis of a completed application form by the Laidlaw College Scholarships Committee or nominee. Applications for the following year must be received by the 1st day of December each year.
Completing an application does not guarantee you will receive a scholarship. Decisions regarding the awarding of scholarships are affected by available funds, quality of applications and number of applicants in a given year.

David Stewart Scholarship
Amount: Up to $1,500
Eligibility: Any undergraduate student going into their second or third year of undergraduate study
This fund was set up on the retirement of former Principal David Stewart, our College’s longest serving Principal (24 years). Funds are held by the Laidlaw College Foundation, and controlled and distributed by the Laidlaw College Scholarships Committee. Its purpose is to provide scholarships for needy students of promise in their second or third year of study at Laidlaw College. Where possible the contribution of the Nelson Christian Trust to this fund will be taken into account when considering applications from students from the Nelson region.
To qualify for consideration of the award of a scholarship, students will have met the following criteria:
- Be able to show evidence of academic achievement in your first year of study at Laidlaw College, and involvement in the Laidlaw community
- Demonstrate genuine financial hardship
The application form can be found on Moodle/Studying@Laidlaw/forms.
For more information please contact Jenny Mackie.
Māori Indigenous Theology Scholarship
Amount: Up to $500 per semester off tuition fees
Eligibility: Any Māori student enrolled in a course in the Indigenous Theology track who shows particular promise
In 1991, Te Runanga O Te Kareti Paipera Aotearoa, the Māori Council of the College, was established and in 2005 the following strategic priority for the College was adopted:
To provide an inter-denominational, bicultural and multicultural learning environment which is evangelical in emphasis, where diversity is respected and fostered and which values each person’s contribution and in so doing, affirms the implication of the Treaty of Waitangi for the College.
Laidlaw desires to offer education that is genuinely bicultural, in which Māori and Pakeha partner and flourish together, evidenced by the makeup of staff and students, as well as programmes, courses, curricula content and educational practices throughout our communities.
To qualify for consideration of the award of a scholarship, students will have met the following criteria:
- Be a Māori student enrolled in a course in the Indigenous Theology track who shows particular promise
- Be able to show evidence of academic achievement in your secondary schooling, or previous tertiary study history in completed qualifications, and a high level of community involvement
- Demonstrate financial hardship
The application form can be found on Moodle/Studying@Laidlaw/forms.
For more information please contact Sue Davidson.
McGregor/Kirk Scholarship
Amount: Up to $2,000
Eligibility: Any undergraduate or postgraduate student from the Pacific Islands (excluding New Zealand), or any student planning to undertake missionary service in the Pacific Islands
The purposes of this scholarship is to aid and assist:
- Students from the Pacific Islands including the Islands of Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Papua New Guinea (but excluding New Zealand) embarked on or proposing to embark on full or part-time courses of study at Laidlaw College
- Laidlaw College students who have evidenced an intention of performing missionary service in the Pacific Islands (as described above)
To qualify for consideration of the award of a scholarship, students will have met the following criteria:
- Be able to show evidence of a high level of academic achievement in your secondary schooling, or previous tertiary study history in completed qualifications, and a high level of community involvement
- Demonstrate evidence of being from the Pacific Islands, or intent to perform missionary service in the Pacific Islands
The application form can be found on Moodle/Studying@Laidlaw/forms.
For more information please contact Jenny Mackie.

One Semester Fees Scholarship for Education students, Henderson and Christchurch campus
Amount: Tuition Fees for One Semester (semester two only)
Eligibility: A Laidlaw student currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Education (Primary) programme going into their second or third year or a first-year student who is not eligible for the New Zealand Government’s Fees Free scheme going into their second semester; a Laidlaw student currently enrolled in the Diploma of Christian Education or the Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) going into their second semester.
To qualify for consideration of the award of a scholarship, applicants will have met the following criteria:
- Be of good moral character
- Demonstrate community leadership
- Demonstrate dispositions to be a teacher in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Academic grades demonstrating the ability to complete the programme successfully
- Be a NZ citizen or permanent resident
Limit up to one semester fees scholarship for second semester is available per programme, per campus each year.
The application form can be found on Moodle/Studying@Laidlaw/forms.
For more information please contact Tracey Hunt.
External Scholarships
TeachNZ offer a range of scholarships for students who are currently enrolled or wish to enrol in a teaching programme such as Laidlaw’s Bachelor of Education (Primary). For more information, please refer to the TeachNZ website: https://www.teachnz.govt.nz/studying-to-be-a-teacher/scholarships/

Farmer Fund Postgraduate Scholarship
Amount: 100% tuition fees (excludes Student Services Fee)
Eligibility: Any student engaged in full-time research through Laidlaw College in conjunction with the Laidlaw College MTh, AUT MPhil, AUT PhD, or ACT postgraduate programmes
With the generous assistance of the Farmer Fund, Laidlaw College offers up to six annual tuition scholarships to students researching in an area of applied or practical theology. This could include an interdisciplinary project engaging with theology and one or more other disciplines such as education or counselling, or could be an application of theology to a particular sphere of life. A central requirement of these scholarships is the expectation that a practical report or professional resource will be produced alongside the thesis or dissertation itself for the benefit of the church and/or wider community in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Research projects within the Laidlaw College MTh, AUT MPhil, AUT PhD or ACT postgraduate research programmes may be eligible. Securing the support of an approved Laidlaw College research supervisor for the project is a requirement of the scholarship. Students within research programmes spanning multiple years of full-time study, such as PhD or DMin programmes, may apply annually for subsequent tuition funding.
Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic and leadership potential and project suitability. Laidlaw College reserves the right not to award any scholarship in any given application round.
Please complete the online application form, and attach the following:
- Evidence of eligibility, including institution, programme of study, and supervisor(s) name(s)
- A full academic transcript
- A research plan
- A written reference from an academic referee, and the name of a second referee.
The application form can be found on Moodle/Studying@Laidlaw/forms.
For more information please contact Kerry Gordon.
Master of Theology Matt Alexander Postgraduate Scholarship (Māori)
Amount: $5,000 per semester plus 100% of tuition fees (excludes Student Services Fee)
Eligibility: Any Maori student entering their thesis research year within the MTh programme
With the generous assistance of the Longview Trust, Laidlaw offers one Master of Theology scholarship to a Maori student each year. Each Scholarship is worth $10,000 per year, to which Laidlaw will add a full fees scholarship.
The priority will be students entering the thesis research year. In such cases the scholarship will be for a period of one year (two semesters). In exceptional cases up to three semesters of full-time study (including coursework) may be approved – i.e. $15,000 plus tuition fee).
- Applicants will be theology or ministry graduates, engaged in or qualified to enter Laidlaw’s Master of Theology programme. The scholarships will be for full-time study at Laidlaw for a thesis-based Master of Theology degree
- Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic and leadership potential. Laidlaw reserves the right not to award either or any scholarship in any given round
Please complete the online application form, and attach the following:
- evidence of eligibility
- A full academic transcript
- A study plan
- A written reference from an academic referee, and the name of a second referee.
Successful applicants may be asked to meet with members of the Longview Trust to discuss their plans and study.
The application form can be found on Moodle/Studying@Laidlaw/forms.
For more information please contact Kerry Gordon.
Master of Theology Matt Alexander Postgraduate Scholarship (Pasifika)
Amount: $5,000 per semester plus 100% of tuition fees (excludes Student Services Fee)
Eligibility: Any Pasifika student entering their thesis research year within the MTh programme
With the generous assistance of the Longview Trust, Laidlaw offers one Master of Theology Scholarship to one Pasifika student each year. Each Scholarship is worth $10,000 per year, to which Laidlaw will add a full fees scholarship.
The priority will be students entering the thesis research year. In such cases the scholarship will be for a period of one year (two semesters). In exceptional cases up to three semesters of full-time study (including coursework) may be approved – ie $15,000 plus fee).
- Applicants will be theology or ministry graduates, engaged in or qualified to enter Laidlaw’s Master of Theology programme. The scholarships will be for full-time study at Laidlaw for a thesis-based Master of Theology degree
- Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic and leadership potential. Laidlaw reserves the right not to award either or any scholarship in any given round
Please complete the online application form, and attach the following:
- Evidence of eligibility
- A full academic transcript
- A study plan
- A written reference from an academic referee, and the name of a second referee
Successful applicants may be asked to meet with members of the Longview Trust to discuss their plans and study.
The application form can be found on Moodle/Studying@Laidlaw/forms.
For more information please contact Kerry Gordon.

International students may be eligible for the scholarships listed below. The following scholarships are exclusively for international students. Note that international students must study on a campus to be eligible. International scholarship applications will only be considered if an application to study at Laidlaw has been received.
International Undergraduate Scholarship
Amount: 25% – 40% of 1st year tuition fees (excludes Student Services Fee)
Eligibility: Any undergraduate international student
The presence of international students at Laidlaw College adds significantly to the richness and vibrancy of our classrooms, scholarship and community life. We are committed to being an intercultural college and welcome participation in our programmes from students from abroad.
To qualify for consideration of the award of a scholarship you should meet the following criteria:
- Demonstrate a commitment to what it means to being a Christian
- Be able to show evidence of a high level of academic achievement in your secondary schooling, or previous tertiary study history in completed qualifications, and a high level of community involvement
- Be able to provide an academic reference as to your ability from a suitable academic leader
- Have applied for and been accepted to a programme of study at Laidlaw College
Please complete the online application form, and attach the following:
- A written reference in support of your scholarship application from a suitable academic leader.
The link for the scholarship application form will be sent on receipt of a completed application to study.
International Postgraduate Scholarship
Amount: Up to 40% of 1st year tuition fees (excludes Student Services Fee)
Eligibility: Any postgraduate international student (Postgraduate Diploma in Theology and Master of Theology students)
The presence of international students at Laidlaw College adds significantly to the richness and vibrancy of our classrooms, scholarship and community life. We are committed to being an intercultural college and welcome participation in our programmes from students from abroad.
To qualify for consideration of the award of a scholarship you should meet the following criteria:
- Demonstrate a commitment to what it means to being a Christian
- Be able to show evidence of a high level of academic achievement in your previous tertiary study history in completed qualifications, and a high level of community involvement
- Be able to provide an academic reference as to your ability
- Have applied for and been accepted to a programme of study at Laidlaw College
Please complete the online application form, and attach the following:
- A written reference in support of your scholarship application from a suitable academic leader.
The link for the scholarship application form will be sent on receipt of a completed application to study.
Liddle Scholarship for current International Students
Amount: Up to $1,500
Eligibility: Any current undergraduate/postgraduate (PGDipTh & MTh) international student
The presence of international students at Laidlaw College adds significantly to the richness and vibrancy of our classrooms, scholarship and community life. We are committed to being an intercultural college and welcome participation in our programmes from students from abroad.
To qualify for consideration of the award of a scholarship you should meet the following criteria:
- Be able to show evidence of academic achievement in your first year of study at Laidlaw College, and involvement in the Laidlaw community
- Demonstrate genuine financial hardship
The application form can be found on Moodle/Studying@Laidlaw/forms.
For more information please contact Jenny Mackie.
For more information please open this link