Benefits of Screening
- Early detection of serious conditions
- Prevention of disease progression
- Peace of mind so you can enjoy life
- Savings with more affordable screenings
- Control, no insurance required
What Experts Say
Nine out of 10 Cardiovascular Doctors Support Preventive Health Screenings
In a 2014 study1 nine out of 10 specialists on the front lines of fighting vascular disease identified preventive screening for cardiovascular disease as a valuable health tool for patients with two-plus risk factors. Life Line screenings help you identify those risk factors and the threat they pose to your health before it’s too late.
12014 Ebiquity Research Firm on behalf of Life Line Screening
AHA Aims to Improve Cardiovascular Health of All Americans by 2020
The American Heart Association is on a mission to improve the heart health of all Americans by 20 percent and reduce deaths from cardiovascular disease and stroke by 20 percent. Life Line Screening supports this goal with affordable, convenient, proactive steps toward prevention –including vascular ultrasounds of carotid and peripheral arteries –so everyone can understand their risks and act on them.
Life Line Screening Milestones
1993: Life Line Screening is established from Florida to Midwest.
1998: A University of South Florida study confirms Life Line Screening’s services
Get Screened for Heart Disease and Stroke Risk