Jul. 8th – Aug. 31st, 2021

About Future Design Challenge

About i-PRO

Panasonic i-PRO Sensing Solutions Co., Ltd., is a global leader of advanced sensing technologies in the fields of Intelligent Surveillance, Public Safety, and Industrial/Medical Imaging. Established in 2019, i-PRO was built on a legacy of over 60 years of innovation with Panasonic.

The company’s products, software and services extend human senses to capture moments of truth with innovations that inform and protect. In order to help create a safer world, Panasonic i-PRO Sensing Solutions Co., Ltd., supports the work of professionals who protect and save lives.

When you hear the word future, you may look forward to it with optimism. Going forward is seen as a positive thing, but there will still be challenges in the future. The Future Design Challenge is an effort to solve problems through the power of design. This challenge is for innovative students or other designers who want to help create the technology of the future.


2021 Theme


Solving crimes in a future society where technology has become too advanced


JPY (Approx. $2,700 USD)

(1 person or 1 group) 

  • Future Design Challenge award 
  • Meeting with i-PRO engineers for potential prototype creation
  • Mentoring sessions with one of the judges
  • Featured in media

As we move into the future, the development of technology is essential for many aspects of our lives. But is it possible that technology will develop too much and have adverse effects on our lives? If you’ve ever watched movies about AI or robots, you know that’s a possibility. While the number of criminal offenses in Japan are currently at the lowest level since the end of World War II, with public security improving, there has also been an increase in various types of fraud. With the ability for technology to be used for crimes, what can we do?

We believe the power of design may be able to solve crimes in a future society where technology has become too advanced. Future Design Challenge calls upon young creative talent and innovators around the world to solve potential problems with i-PRO.


JPY (Approx. $910 USD)

(2 people or 2 groups) 

  • Future Design Challenge award 
  • Meeting with i-PRO engineers for potential prototype creation
  • Mentoring sessions with one of the judges
  • Featured in media

* The US dollar prize money is a reference amount that is presented from the exchange rate at the time of publication, and may differ from the actual amount.

* The prize money may vary when deposited to the local currency of the account held by the winner.

* The prize money will be paid after deducting taxes such as withholding tax according to the tax system of Japan or the remittance destination region.


The challenge is open to the public and challenge designers, engineers, entrepreneurs, organizations to submit their innovative design concepts relevant to Future Design Challenge 2021 Theme. 

What we’re looking for:

  • Concept name *
  • Concept description *
  • Sketches, photos, design files that showcases the concept *
  • Presentation (could be a presentation report, pitch video, etc.) *

Please upload your files to a cloud folder (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) and share the link to us. *

* tangible or intangible, any designs are eligible

You may make edits after submission. Please submit your concept again and mention that it is an updated version. 

There is no limit to the number of submissions. You can submit as many concepts you would like. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at

Apply here

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Apply any time of year for Internships/ Scholarships