Deadline: 10 December 2020
Open to: foreign professionals
Scholarships: $10,274.00 Mexican pesos ( Bachelor and Master) ; $12,842.50 Mexican pesos (for Doctoral programs and research stays)
Open to: foreign professionals
Scholarships: $10,274.00 Mexican pesos ( Bachelor and Master) ; $12,842.50 Mexican pesos (for Doctoral programs and research stays)
Based on the Law for International Cooperation, and with the purpose of maintaining the position of Mexico as an actor with global responsibility, the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), through the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID), calls for foreigners interested in conducting studies in Mexico. This call is open to citizens of more than 180 countries within the framework of various bilateral conventions, multilateral programs and special agreements. More than 100 Mexican Higher Education Institutions participate, all of them offering academic programs registered in the National Program of Quality Graduate Degrees (PNPC) of the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT). These programs demonstrate the advancements that the country has made in the fields of sciences and humanities.
To offer scholarships for the training of foreign professionals at Bachelor, Specialty, Specialization, Master’s, Doctorate and Postgraduate Research levels, as well as student mobility programs for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Specialties and Medical Subspecialties, in the form of training scholarships, in full-time taught or research programs in Mexico, with the purpose of strengthening the links of academic collaboration with partner countries; the training of human resources and the internationalization of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).
Important Note:
- Under no circumstances the maximum length of the scholarship will be extended. The scholarships of the SRE/AMEXCID are granted only for the maximum duration stated in this call, if the length of the studies exceeds the maximum duration of the scholarship, the student must cover all additional expenses.
- Scholarships are not granted for direct Ph.D. programs (combined M.A. and Ph.D. programs), distance learning programs, open or online education.
- The following academic programs are not eligible for scholarships: Business Administration, Plastic Surgery, Accounting, Marketing, Advertising and Publicity, Dentistry, and Odontology, as well as related fields.
- Applicants who have already begun their studies in Mexico, in the HEIs and in the academic programs indicated in this Call, are eligible to participate in this Call.
- Select a program on issues that are a priority for the development of 5 their country and of strategic interest to Mexico (priority will be given to academic programs related to the education, health, energy, environmental and/or telecommunications sectors).
- Applicants must have achieved a minimum grade point average of eighty (80), on a scale of 0 to 100, or the equivalent, for the last academic degree received. Applications with a lower grade point average will not be considered.
- Applicants must be accepted or currently enrolled in a program of the participating Mexican institutions in this Call.
- AMEXCID will not receive any application directly from the applicants.!!!
- Foreign diplomats accredited in Mexico or their relatives;
- Foreign citizens with temporary or permanent residence in Mexico;
- Foreign citizens that also hold the Mexican nationality;
- No scholarships will be awarded for two or more people from the same family or spouses;
- Foreign citizens who hold a family reunification Mexican visa or aspire to obtain it.
- For scholarships for undergraduate mobility; specializations; Master’s Degree or Master’s-level research; and courses of Spanish language and Mexican culture, a monthly stipend of 4 (four) times the monthly value of the Unit of Measure and Actualization (UMA);
Mexican Government’s Merit Awards for International Students 2020