EUR MINT offers a 3-year support grant (possibly co-funded) for to 2 to 4 students starting a PhD in one of the teams related to MINT. The PhD is to start in October 2021 (see also MINT’s Master offer, and the thematically close offers of CIMI or ANITI, and the docotral school MITT — multiple applications are encouraged).
Closing date : 12 march 2021
Eligibility criteria :
Those fellowships are open, on a competitive basis, to French and foreign students and awarded on the basis of the quality of the academic records.
The research areas should be developed within the activities of the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT).
Application process :
Application files are to be uploaded online exclusively through this form.
Required documents :
- Applicant’s curriculum vitae
- Details of grades obtained at university from the 1st year to present
- Motivation letter from the applicant
- Short description of the proposed Phd subject signed by the applicant and the applicant’s supervisor
- Where appropriate, a proposal for co-funding
IMPORTANT : The applicant is reponsible to make sure his application is complete prior to the closing date. Please note that fully completed applications only will be examined.
Selection process :
- Shortlisting by the Ecole Doctorale Mathématiques Informatique Télécommunications de Toulouse (EDMITT) thematic commission
- The final selection will be performed by the EUR MINT Admission Committee
For more information please open this link