Applications for the March 2023 program are now being accepted. The deadline for completed applications is September 15, 2022. The 2023 WPI fellows wil be announced in early December 2022.

  • At least five years of full-time employment in print, broadcast or online journalism, including:
    • News or editorial departments of newspapers, wire services, radio, television, websites or online publications.
    • Photojournalists, editorial cartoonists, columnists and broadcast producers.
    • Those who supervise journalists are eligible if they also have at least five years as a working journalist.
  • Any journalism-related work completed as a university student does not count toward experience. Those who work in public relations or at organizations whose primary business is not the media are not eligible.
  • Must be currently employed as a non-U.S. journalist working outside of the United States.
  • Fluency in both written and spoken English.
  • Potential for leadership.
Fellowship Terms

WPI Fellows are required to adhere to the following terms. Violations of these terms could result in termination from the program.

  • Prepare for and participate in all briefings and WPI scheduled events.
  • Stay through the entirety of program and return to home countries when the program ends.
  • Write for the WPI website among other outlets as assigned. Fellows are also encouraged to share with their readers, listeners or viewers back home.
  • Participate in periodic reviews and evaluations, including several roundtable discussions to share insights into the U.S. or international journalism issues.
  • Acceptance for others of different cultures.
  • Willingness to travel ā€“ the program locations change frequently, and fellows often live out of suitcases.
Letters of Recommendation
  • Applicants are required to submit the names and email addresses of three professional references.
    • References will be contacted by WPI to submit online letters of recommendation.
  • References should be familiar with the applicantā€™s work and able to comment in English on their journalistic abilities, potential for growth and leadership abilities.
  • One reference should be a direct supervisor.
  • Letters must be in English and address the applicantā€™s experience, qualifications and potential.
Work Samples


  • All samples must include a publication date; most should be within the last two years.
  • Include an English summary for all samples not in English.
  • All work samples must be online and publicly accessible.
    • Upload work samples to a publicly accessible online service, such as YouTube or Dropbox, if not directly available on a media website.
    • If you are unable to use a public service, work samples can be uploaded with the online application.
      • Accepted file extensions: .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .doc, .mp3
      • Accepted photo and other artwork extensions: .jpg/.jpeg, .gif, or .pdf

Print journalists

  • Writers: Submit three samples of published work that has your byline.
  • Editors: Submit a statement describing your job. You may include copies of published work along with a description of your role in these samples. For published work, follow the instructions above.
  • Photographers: Submit a portfolio with five (5) published samples. Files with the following extensions are accepted: jpg/jpeg, gif, or pdf.

Do not send complete newspapers, magazines, books, or unpublished manuscripts.

Broadcast journalists

  • Links to work samples on YouTube, publicly shared Dropbox files and broadcastersā€™ websites are accepted. Include a written synopsis in English of each work with a brief description of your involvement.
  • Please limit submissions to 15 minutes of programming.

Online journalists

  • Samples should be equivalent to three print articles or 15 minutes of programming.
  • Provide a link if the segment is still online and outline your involvement with each sample.
  • Samples must be journalistic in nature and demonstrate that your job involves news gathering, writing, editing or producing.

For more information please open this link
Apply Here

Program cost

WPI pays the following program expenses:

  • Transportation
    • Roundtrip airfare to the United States.
    • Travel within the United States related to the WPI program.
  • Lodging
  • Food
    • Fellows receive a modest daily allowance to purchase food.

Fellows are responsible for personal expenses, such as phone, camera, postage and clothing.

Why become a WPI Fellow?

Gain access to, engage in and observe the role, responsibility and impact of a free press firsthand in one of the worldā€™s largest, most diverse democracies. Through an immersive program, you will learn how the U.S. founding principles of a free press and journalistic best practices help foster transparency and accountability of government institutions, businesses and organizations, including the most powerful ones.

In a guided tour across the country ā€“ including Chicago, New York City, Miami, Austin (Texas), San Francisco, and more ā€“ you will meet with and interview subject matter experts in media outlets, think tanks and advocacy organizations. You will hear firsthand accounts of new business models being tested and implemented among national and local media outlets.

You will learn about U.S. history and current affairs, as well as challenges the U.S. media faces, while experiencing and reporting on social, economic and political issues.

You also will interact with people from a variety of walks of life and get some free time along the way to explore on your own.

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Apply any time of year for Internships/ Scholarships