The Plant Resilience Institute at Michigan State University invites applications for up to two Postdoctoral Fellowships in plant resilience.
The initial appointment is for one year and renewable for up to three years of total support. The positions must begin no later than September 1st, 2021. Fellows will have a starting annual salary of $60,000 plus benefits, as well as a research stipend of $10,000 per year. We encourage applications from candidates at any early-career stage, from finishing PhD students to current postdoctoral scholars.
The Plant Resilience Institute Fellow will be expected to develop a cutting-edge research program in the area of plant resilience that bridges the interests of two or more PRI faculty members. A list of possible faculty mentors can be found here: https://plantresilience.msu.edu/directory/faculty/. Candidates should contact potential faculty mentors before applying, as sponsoring faculty will need to submit letters of support. We would expect the candidate to be engaged within the broader PRI community by participation in organizing the annual symposium, seminar series, and facilitating career development activities.
APPLICATION COMPONENTS: For full consideration, applications (including letters of reference) should be received by January 21st, 2021, and include: cover letter, CV, past and future research statement, DEI statement, and up to 2 publications, preprints, or manuscripts representative of the applicant’s work. Additionally, applicants should have letters of support from 2 references and a single joint letter from the proposed PRI faculty sponsors.
Michigan State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, and actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans, and persons with disabilities.
We anticipate the official job posting to be available in mid-December which will be posted at: https://careers.msu.edu/cw/en-us/listing/. E-mail questions to committee co-chairs: Hatem Rouached (rouached “at” msu.edu) and David Lowry (dlowry “at” msu.edu).
For more information please open this link