Scholarships offered by VU Amsterdam

VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP)

The VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP) offers talented prospective international students the unique opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. VU Amsterdam has committed to providing approximately 1 million euro towards attracting highly motivated and excellent students. 

Eligible candidates  

The VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP) is a Merit scholarship programme for strongly motivated students with excellent study results.  

  • You can prove your academic excellence with a GPA of at least 80% of the highest possible mark.
  • You are applying for the first year of a full-time English-taught Master’s programme at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam starting per September 2021.
  • You do not have the Dutch nationality.
  • The degree with which you are seeking admission has not been obtained in the Netherlands.

The VUFP scholarship can be granted for a one or two-year Master’s programme. The scholarship will only be extended for the second year of the two-year Master’s programme if 100% of the credits of the first year have been achieved. The Faculty VUFP committee will be asked to demonstrate to the Central VUFP committee that these credits have indeed been achieved. Students already enrolled in a two-year Master’s programme who have not been awarded the VUFP scholarship in 2020/2021 are not eligible to apply for the VUFP scholarship 2021/2022. The scholarship will only be granted to a student once and is explicitly intended for the Master’s programme for which it has been awarded. 

One VUFP scholarship will be reserved for an applicant who previously completed a semester or full academic year abroad at the VU Amsterdam via the Semester in Amsterdam programme and is now applying for a full-time Master’s programme at VU Amsterdam. When you are applying as a Semester in Amsterdam alumnus or alumna, please complete the regular application procedure and then email to inform the staff that you applied via VUnet for a VUFP scholarship. Please indicate in your motivation letter that you previously completed a semester or full academic year at VU Amsterdam via the Semester in Amsterdam program. Students who are not selected for the scholarship reserved for Semester in Amsterdam alumni can still be considered for a regular VUFP scholarship.

Scholarship amount 

The VUFP scholarship covers the tuition fees. VUFP scholarship does not provide any additional allowance towards study or living costs.

Application procedure

1. Register for a Master’s programme (from 1 October 2020)  
Students register for a Master’s programme in Studielink and after that in the VUnet portal. Here you can find more information on how to apply for one of our English-taught Master’s programmes. Please note that you must have applied for the Master’s programme before you can apply for the VUFP scholarship and your VUFP application has to be received in good order by the deadline.   
Deadline: 1 February 2021.

2. Submit VUFP application (from 1 November 2020)
Submit your VUFP application  in VUnet. 
Deadline: 1 February 2021, 11.59pm.
Please note that we strongly recommend to submit the required documents before 22 January 2021 to have a chance to upload any revised documents again if this should be necessary.

For VUFP application 3 documents in PDF format are required:

            A. Proof of excellence / transcript, GPA and grading scale
Please upload the transcript and grading scale of your qualifying degree with a clear explanation of the GPA calculation. Students who apply for a VU Fellowship Programme need to have a GPA of at least 80% of the highest possible mark (calculated over full previous degree or current Bachelor’s degree). For example, if the highest possible mark is a 10 you need to have an average of at least an 8. Excellence in previous education is proven if the grade point average achieved is at least the equivalent of the Dutch grade of an 8.0 on the Dutch grading scale 1 – 10. The VUFP  Scholarship Committee will decide on the local grade equivalents for the Dutch grade of an 8.0 using the grade information included in the NUFFIC country modules. 

           B. Motivation Letter (around 500 words) 
We would like to know your motivation for applying to the VU Fellowship Programme. Topics that should be reviewed in the motivation letter are the following:

• Why do you want to study this specific Master’s programme?
• What are your future goals?
• Why do you deserve the VUFP scholarship?

Do not hesitate to mention other factors of motivations as well, taking initiative is appreciated! Be aware that you need to write a different motivation letter than the motivation for the application of your study programme. For VUFP, we expect a motivation letter where you elaborate on the above-mentioned questions. If you do not meet these requirements, your application will be rejected.

           C. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
We strongly recommend the use of the Europass format.

Please note that we only accept PDF files. We will reject the documents if they are uploaded in any other type of format. The VUFP team will notify all students who uploaded their documents before 22 January 2021 and who do not meet the requirements. Students will have the possibility to upload new documents until the deadline of 1 February 2021. Applications and documents submitted for the first time after 22 January are considered as final documents.

3. Decision
The Central VUFP Committee decides which students will be offered a VUFP scholarship. All VUFP applications received by Monday 1 February 2021, 11.59pm will be reviewed by the faculty of the applied for Master’s programme. Faculties then nominate applicants to the central scholarship committee, which subsequently awards scholarships to the most talented students. The award is based on the motivation letter, the quality of previous education and the student’s academic performance therein. The Committee makes a merit based selection. A scholarship offer will be made to successful candidates.

4. Results
All students will receive an e-mail/ notification informing them of the Central scholarships  Committee’s decision concerning their application. Expected date:  1 April 2021 (8 weeks after the deadline).

5. Acceptance of VUFP or HSP offer
Selected candidates accept/ decline the VUFP offer in VUnet. Deadline: 15 April 2021 (2 weeks after the results are published).

Conditions VUFP Scholarship Programme

The conditions for the VUFP Scholarship Programme can be found here.

Current VUFP scholars

VUFP scholars enrolled in a two years Master’s programme do not need to re-apply for the VUFP scholarship for the second year. The VUFP scholar will be nominated for a second year provided that he or she has obtained 100% of the first year ECTS. VUFP candidates will receive an e-mail from the Central Scholarships Committee on or around 1 July 2021 confirming the extension of the VUFP scholarship. Students who have not achieved sufficient study results will be informed that they will not be offered the VUFP scholarship for the next academic year, unless there are clear reasons why the results were lower than average.
Complaint procedure

An interested party that does not agree with the decision of the scholarship committee, may file a written complaint to Complaints regarding the application procedure (not the results!) should be addressed to the student ombudsman by e-mail and must include:

• Your name and full address.
• Details of the selection procedure that you do not agree with.
• The grounds for complaint: why are you unable to accept the selection procedure?
• Date and signature.

For pressing questions regarding the VUFP scholarship, please email:

The VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP) is financially supported by VUvereniging: a social network of people who are connected to Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

For more information please open this link

Holland Scholarship Programme (HSP)

The Holland Scholarship Programme (HSP) is financed by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Dutch research universities, and universities of applied sciences. Students eligible for this scholarship are students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who are applying for the first year of a Master’s programme in the Netherlands. Students from Suriname and Switzerland are not eligible to apply for the HSP scholarship.

Scholarship amount

The scholarship amounts to € 5,000. You will receive this in the first year of your studies.

Application criteria

  • You hold a non-EEA nationality that is not Surinamese or Swiss.
  • You are applying for the first year of a full-time English-taught Master’s programme at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  • The degree with which you are seeking admission has not been obtained in the Netherlands.
  • You need to have applied for VUFP. We will only award HSP scholarships to recipients of the VU Fellowship Programme.
  • We select excellent students who contribute to the diversity at our campus.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam embraces diversity as an enrichment to our teaching, research and our contribution to society. Furthermore, we aim to prepare our students for a global and diverse society and workplace. Before applying for the Holland Scholarship Programme (HSP), you need to apply for a Master’s programme at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. You can apply for the scholarship until 1 February 2021. We will contact you about the outcome of the selection procedure no later than 1 April 2021. Please note that you must have applied for the Master’s programme before you can apply for the HSP scholarship. Both applications must be complete and submitted before the deadline of 1 February 2021.

Application procedure

1. Follow the VUFP scholarship application (from 1 November 2020)
Please follow the steps to apply for a VUFP scholarship as described above. 
• Apply for the HSP scholarship in VUnet. 
• Mention in your motivation letter that you would like to apply for a HSP scholarship as well.
• Demonstrate that you are an added value for diversity on our campus in your CV. 

Deadline: 1 February 2021

2. Decision

The Central HSP Committee decides which students will be offered a HSP scholarship.

3. Results
All students will receive an e-mail/notification informing them of the Central Scholarships Committee’s decision concerning their application. Expected date: 1 April 2021 (8 weeks after the deadline).

4. Acceptance of HSP offer
Selected candidates accept/decline the HSP offer in VUnet.
Deadline: 15 April 2021 (2 weeks after the results are published).

Conditions Holland Scholarship Programme

The conditions for the Holland Scholarship Programme can be found here.


For any further questions please contact us through:

The Holland Scholarship Programme (HSP) is financially supported by VUvereniging: a social network of people who are connected to Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

For more information please open this link

OTS/VUFP Indonesia scholarship

OTS Indonesia programme

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is collaborating with OTS to attract Indonesian student to VU. The VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP) sponsors the OTS scholarship programme. We encourage Indonesian students to apply for the combined OTS/VUFP Indonesia scholarship programme.

Aim of the programme

The VUFP/OTS Indonesia scholarship is for talented, motivated Indonesian students who need financial support to study at VU Amsterdam.

Eligible candidates 

The applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria in order to be considered for this scholarship. Failure to meet one or more of these criteria automatically means the student is not eligible for this scholarship.

Eligible candidates should: 

  • apply for the first year of a full-time English-taught Master’s programme at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam starting per September 2021.
  • have the Indonesian nationality and are not eligible for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans.
  • should not have a degree from an education institution in the Netherlands.
  • be able to comply with the conditions to obtain a Dutch visa/residence permit

 Duration of the scholarship

  • For 1-year Master’s programmes: max 1 year.
  • For 2-year Master’s programmes: The VUFP/OTS Indonesia scholarship can be granted for a one or two-year Master’s programme. The scholarship will only be extended for the second year of the two-year Master’s programme if 100% of the credits of the first year have been achieved.

Other conditions

  • Students already enrolled in a two-year Master’s programme who have not been awarded the VUFP scholarship in 2020/2021 are not eligible to apply for the VUFP/OTS Indonesia scholarship 2021/2022. 
  • The scholarship will only be granted to a student once and is explicitly intended for the Master’s programme for which it has been awarded     
  • Please note that students starting their programme in February are not eligible for the OTS/VUFP Scholarships.

Scholarship amount  

The VUFP/OTS Indonesia scholarship covers the tuition fees. It does not provide any additional allowance towards study or living costs. As the grant is not a full scholarship, it may be necessary to find additional funding to be able to finance your studies and stay completely. Students requiring a residence permit in the Netherlands must prove to the IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Office) that they have sufficient financial means.

Combination VUFP/OTS Indonesia with Holland Scholarship Programme

VUFP/OTS Indonesia scholarships can be combined with Holland Scholarship Programme (HSP). With the application for VUFP/OTS Indonesia you automatically apply for the HSP scholarship.

  • The HSP scholarship can be awarded as € 5,000 or € 10,000.
  • VU has only a limited number of HSP scholarships. Not every student who is awarded a VUFP/OTS scholarship will be offered an HSP scholarship.
  • The HSP scholarship can only be awarded for one year, even if the Master’s programme is 2 years. This means that you need extra financial means yourself for the 2nd year.

Application procedure

1. Register for an English-taught Master’s programme (from 1 October 2020) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 
Students register for a Master’s programme in Studielink and after that in the VUnet portal. Here you can find more information on how to apply for one of our English-taught Master’s programmes.
Deadline: 1 February 2021

2. Submit VUFP/OTS Indonesia application with all required documents via Neso Indonesia (starting from 1 November 2020). 
Email: Mr. Mohamad Maulana Taufik:
Information: Website Neso Indonesia
Deadline: 1 February 2021

Required documents

For VUFP/OTS Indonesia application, 5 documents in PDF format are required:

a. OTS application form
You can find this on the Website Neso Indonesia

b. Proof that the admission process with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has started

c. Transcript, GPA and grading scale
Please mail the transcript and grading scale of your qualifying degree with a clear explanation of the GPA calculation. 
Students who apply for an OTS/VUFP Indonesia scholarship need to have a GPA of at least 3.2 according to the Indonesian grading system. 

d. Motivation form (use format) 
We would like to know your motivation for applying to the VUFP/OTS Indonesia Programme. You have the use the appropriate format for this, we do not except other formats.
You need to answer the following questions on the motivation format:

  1. Introduce yourself in max. 100 words
  2. What makes you a good candidate for the OTS/VUFP Indonesia scholarship? (max. 150 words)
  3. Why do you need a scholarship to study at VU Amsterdam? (max.150 words)
  4. Diversity and inclusion are important to us. How can you contribute to these values? (max. 150 words)

e. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
We strongly recommend the use of the Europass format.

Selection criteria

  • GPA of at least 3.2 (Indonesian grading system)
  • Motivation
  • Financial need 
  • Contribution to diversity at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • The quality of the application itself (motivation, accuracy, consistency)

Selection procedure

The procedure has different phases:

  • Neso Indonesia reviews all applications and sends complete applications to VU Amsterdam
  • The International Office receives all applications and makes the first selection based on eligibility for the scholarship programme, completeness of the file, GPA. Only complete applications will be sent to the faculty committees
  • Faculty committee nominate students to the central committee for OTS/VUFP Indonesia programme.
  • The central committee decides which students will be offered an OTS/VUFP Indonesia scholarship and a Holland Scholarship.


All students will receive an e-mail/notification informing them of the Central scholarships Committee’s decision concerning their application. Expected date: mid-March 2020 (6 weeks after the deadline).

Acceptance of VUFP/OTS Indonesia and HSP

Selected candidates need to accept or decline the VUFP/OTS Indonesia offer. Deadline: 1 April 2021 (2 weeks after the results are published). Further instructions will be sent by email.

Conditions VUFP/OTS Scholarship Indonesia Programme

The conditions for the VUFP/OTS Scholarship Indonesia Programme can be found here.

The VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP) is financially supported by VUvereniging: a social network of people who are connected to Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

For more information please open this link

OTS/VUFP South Africa scholarship

OTS South Africa programme

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is collaborating with OTS to attract South African students to VU. The VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP) sponsors the OTS scholarship programme. We encourage South African students to apply for the combined OTS/VUFP South Africa scholarship programme.

Aim of the programme:

The VUFP/OTS South Africa scholarship is for talented, motivated South African students who need financial support to study at VU Adam.

Eligible candidates 

The applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria in order to be considered for this scholarship. Failure to meet one or more of these criteria automatically means the student is not eligible for this scholarship.

Eligible candidates should:

  • apply for the first year of a full-time English-taught Master’s programme at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam starting per September 2021.
  • have the South African nationality and are not eligible for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans.
  • should not have a degree from an education institution in the Netherlands.
  • be able to comply with the conditions to obtain a Dutch visa/residence permit.

Duration of the scholarship

  • For 1-year Master’s programmes: max 1 year.
  • For 2-year Master’s programmes:  The VUFP/OTS South Africa scholarship can be granted for a one or two-year Master’s programme. The scholarship will only be extended for the second year of the two-year Master’s programme if 100% of the credits of the first year have been achieved.

Other conditions

Students already enrolled in a two-year Master’s programme who have not been awarded the VUFP scholarship in 2020/2021 are not eligible to apply for the VUFP/OTS South Africa scholarship 2021/2022.

  • The scholarship will only be granted to a student once and is explicitly intended for the Master’s programme for which it has been awarded.
  • Please note that students starting their programme in February are not eligible for the OTS/VUFP Scholarships.

Scholarship amount  

The VUFP/OTS South Africa scholarship covers the tuition fees. It does not provide any additional allowance towards study or living costs. As the grant is not a full scholarship, it may be necessary to find additional funding to be able to finance your studies and stay completely. Students requiring a residence permit in the Netherlands must prove to the IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Office) that they have sufficient financial means.

Combination VUFP/OTS South Africa with Holland Scholarship Programme 

VUFP/OTS South Africa scholarships can be combined with Holland Scholarship Programme (HSP). With the application for VUFP/OTS South Africa, students automatically apply for the HSP scholarship.

  • The HSP scholarship can be awarded as € 5,000 or € 10,000.
  • VU has only a limited number of HSP scholarships. Not every student who is awarded a VUFP/OTS scholarship will be offered an HSP scholarship.
  • The HSP scholarship can only be awarded for one year, even if the master’s programme is 2 years. This means that you need extra financial means yourself for the 2nd year.

Application procedure

1. Register for an English-taught Master’s programme (from 1 October 2020) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 
Students register for a Master’s programme in Studielink and after that in the VUnet portal. Here you can find more information on how to apply for one of our English-taught Master’s programmes.
Deadline: 1 February 2021

2. Submit VUFP/OTS South Africa application via Neso South Africa (starting from 1 November 2020) 
Website Neso South Africa:
Deadline: 1 February 2021

Required documents

For the VUFP/OTS South Africa programme, 5 documents in PDF format are required:

a: OTS application form

b: Proof that the admission process with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has started

c. Transcript, GPA and grading scale 
Please mail the transcript and grading scale of your qualifying degree with a clear explanation of the GPA calculation. 
Students who apply for an OTS/VUFP South Africa scholarship need to have a GPA of at least 65 according to the South African grading system. 

d. Motivation form (use format) 
We would like to know your motivation for applying to the VUFP/OTS South Africa Programme. You have the use the appropriate format for this, we do not except other formats.
You need to answer the following questions on the motivation format:

1.    Introduce yourself in max.100 words
2.    What makes you a good candidate for the OTS/VUFP South Africa scholarship? (max. 150 words)
3.    Why do you need a scholarship to study at VU? (max.150 words)
4.    Diversity and inclusion are important to VU. How can you contribute to these values? (max.150 words)

e. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
We strongly recommend the use of the Europass format.

Selection criteria

  • Academic performance, GPA of at least 65 (South African grading system)
  • Motivation
  • Financial need
  • Contribution to diversity at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • The quality of the application itself (motivation, accuracy, consistency)

Selection procedure

The procedure has different phases:

  • Neso South Africa reviews all applications and sends complete applications to VU Adam
  • The International Office receives all applications and makes the first selection based on eligibility for the scholarship programme, completeness of the file, GPA. Only complete applications will be sent to the faculty committees
  • Faculty committee nominate students to the central committee for OTS/VUFP South Africa programme.
  • The central committee decides which students will be offered an OTS/VUFP South Africa scholarship and a Holland Scholarship.


All students will receive an e-mail/notification informing them of the Central scholarships Committee’s decision concerning their application. Expected date: mid-March 2021 (6 weeks after the deadline).

Acceptance of VUFP/OTS South Africa and HSP

Selected candidates need to accept or decline the VUFP/OTS South Africa offer. Deadline: 1 April 2021 (2 weeks after the results are published). Further instructions will be sent by email.

Conditions VUFP/OTS Scholarship South Africa Programme

The conditions for the VUFP/OTS Scholarship South Africa Programme can be found here.

The VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP) is financially supported by 
VUvereniging: a social network of people who are connected to Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

For more information please open this link

VUFP Ethiopia Scholarship

VUFP Ethiopia programme

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam encourages Ethiopian students to apply for the VUFP Ethiopia scholarship programme.

Aim of the programme

The VUFP Ethiopia scholarship is for talented, motivated Ethiopian students who need financial support to study at VU Amsterdam.

Eligible candidates 

Applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria in order to be considered for this scholarship. Failure to meet one or more of these criteria automatically means the student is not eligible for this scholarship.

Eligible candidates should:

  •          Apply for the first year of a full-time English-taught Master’s programme at Vrije Universiteit.
  •          Have Ethiopian nationality and are not eligible for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans.
  •          Should not have a degree from an education institution in the Netherlands.
  •          Be able to comply with the conditions to obtain a Dutch visa/residence permit.

 Duration of the scholarship

  •         For 1-year Master’s programmes: max 1 year.
  •         For 2-year Master’s programmes:  The VUFP Ethiopia scholarship can be granted for a one or two-year Master’s programme. The scholarship will only be extended for the second year of the two-year Master’s programme if 100% of the credits of the first year have been achieved.

Other conditions

  •          Students already enrolled in a two-year Master’s programme who have not been awarded the VUFP scholarship in 2020/2021 are not eligible to apply for the VUFP Ethiopia scholarship 2021/2022.
  •          The scholarship will only be granted to a student once and is explicitly intended for the Master’s programme for which it has been awarded.
  •          Please note that students starting their programme in February are not eligible for the VUFP Ethiopia Scholarships.

Scholarship amount 

The VUFP Ethiopia scholarship covers the tuition fees. It does not provide any additional allowance towards study or living cost.
As the grant is not a full scholarship, it may be necessary to find additional funding to be able to finance your studies and stay completely. Students requiring a residence permit in the Netherlands must prove to the IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Office) that they have sufficient financial means.

Combination VUFP Ethiopia with Holland Scholarship Programme

VUFP Ethiopia scholarships can be combined with Holland Scholarship Programme (HSP). With the application for VUFP Ethiopia Scholarship, students automatically apply for the HSP scholarship. The HSP scholarship can be awarded as € 5.000 or € 10.000.

  • VU has only a limited number of HSP scholarships. Not every student who is awarded a VUFP scholarship will be offered an HSP scholarship.
  •         The HSP scholarship can only be awarded for one year, even if the master’s programme is 2 years. This means that you need extra financial means yourself for the 2nd year.

Application procedure

1. Register for an English-taught Master’s programme at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam starting in September 2020
Students register for a Master’s programme in Studielink and after that in the VUnet portal. Here you can find more information on how to apply for one of our English-taught Master’s programmes.
Deadline: 1 February 2021

2. Submit VUFPEthiopia application to VU, email the required documents in PDF format to:
Deadline: 1 February 2021

Required documents
For the VUFP Ethiopia programme, 4 documents in PDF format are required:

a. Proof that the admission process with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has started

b. Transcript, GPA and grading scale
Please mail the transcript and grading scale of your qualifying degree with a clear explanation of the GPA calculation. 
Students who apply for an VUFPEthiopia scholarship need to have a GPA of at least 70% according to the Ethiopian grading system. 

c. Motivation form (use form) 
We would like to know your motivation for applying to the VUFP Ethiopia Programme. You have the use the appropriate format for this, we do not except other formats. You can find this format here.
You need to answer the following questions on the motivation format:

1.    Introduce yourself in max.100 words 

2.    What makes you a good candidate for the VUFP Ethiopia scholarship? (max. 150 words)

3.    Why do you need a scholarship to study at VU? (max.150 words)

4.    Diversity and inclusion are important to VU. How can you contribute to these values? (max.150 words)

d. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
We strongly recommend the use of the Europass format.

Selection criteria

  •          Academic performance, GPA of at least 70% (Ethiopian grading system)
  •          Motivation
  •          Financial need
  •          Contribution to diversity at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  •          The quality of the application itself (motivation, accuracy, consistency)

Selection procedure

The procedure has different phases:

  •          The International Office receives all applications and makes the first selection based on eligibility for the scholarship programme, completeness of the file, GPA. Only complete applications will be sent to the faculty committees
  •          Faculty committee nominate students to the central committee for the VUFP Ethiopia programme.
  •          The central committee decides which students will be offered a VUFP Ethiopia scholarship and a Holland Scholarship.


All students will receive an e-mail/notification informing them of the Central scholarships Committee’s decision concerning their application. Expected date: mid-March 2021 (6 weeks after the deadline).

Acceptance of VUFP-Ethiopia scholarship and HSP

Selected candidates need to accept or decline the VUFP Ethiopia offer. Deadline: 1 April 2021 (2 weeks after the results are published). Further instructions will be sent by email.

Conditions VUFP/OTS Scholarship Ethiopia Programme

The conditions for the VUFP/OTS Scholarship Ethiopia Programme can be found here.

The VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP) is financially supported by VUvereniging: a social network of people who are connected to Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

For more information please open this link

Orange Tulip Scholarship (OTS)

The VU Fellowship programme sponsors the Orange Tulip Scholarship programme. It is now possible for excellent students from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, and Vietnam to apply for this highly selective VUFP / OTS scholarship.


OTS scholarship is a tuition fee waiver. This scholarship does not offer any additional allowance towards living costs.

    • Brazil (two scholarships available)
    • China (two scholarships available)
    • India (two scholarships available)
    • Indonesia (two scholarships available + eight OTS/VUFP Indonesia scholarships)
    • Mexico (two scholarships available)
    • Russia (two scholarships available)  
    • South Africa (two scholarships available + four OTS/VUFP South Africa scholarships)
    • South Korea (two scholarships available)
    • Vietnam (two scholarships available)


1 February 2021

Fields of study

Eligible candidates should be admitted to one of the English-taught Master’s degree programmes at VU Amsterdam. In addition, OTS candidates need to have applied for one of the VUFP scholarship programmes in your VUnet portal.

Application procedure

Students apply for the specific OTS programme (Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, and Vietnam). Please see the specific NESO website:  

     NESO Brazil 
     NESO China  
     NESO India   
     NESO Indonesia
     NESO Mexico
     NESO Russia
     NESO South Africa
     NESO South Korea  
     NESO Vietnam

• Students need to apply separately for a VUFP scholarship. Deadline for OTS is the same as the regular deadline for VUFP scholarship: 1 February 2021.
• OTS will make the selection for the OTS candidates.
• OTS will send their selection before 1 March to the central VUFP scholarship committee.
• The central scholarship committee will confirm the OTS selection.
• OTS nominees will be excluded from the ‘regular’ VUFP scholarship.

For more information please open this link

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