Built Bar is truly a standout among protein bars. With its exceptional nutritional profile and so many delicious flavors, Built Bar is the favorite bar of discerning fitness trainers and fitness enthusiasts alike.
Built Bar is truly a standout among protein bars. With its exceptional nutritional profile and 13 regular flavors, Built Bar is the best protein bar out there!
There are currently many nutrition and protein bars available to the consumer. However, to paraphrase a statement made to me by a US Olympic athlete, they all taste about the same, like nut flavored cardboard. He confessed that, regardless of this, he continued to eat such bars. A primary objective in designing Built Bar was to make a bar that was high in protein, low in carbohydrates, had clean ingredients and would actually taste good.
The Basic Nutritional Science of Built Bar
Luke T. Tolley, PhD.
7 July, 2018
There are several sources of protein used in protein bars. Three most often are whey, egg whites and products from soy beans. Whey protein isolate was chosen for the bars because it is a complete protein, which means it has all the essential amino acids, it has high digestibility, and a mild taste.
The isolate version we use does not contain casein or lactose, which are Built Bar | Best Tasting Protein Bars