The prize rewards land use and soil management practices mitigating soil threats i.e. soil degradation, erosion, reduction of organic matter content, diffuse contamination, and compaction as well as the reduction of soil biodiversity, salinization, sealing, flooding and landslides. In doing so, the award sheds light on outstanding achievements, encouraging new concepts of land and soil protection and their implementation in land management, as well as enhancing awareness about the importance of land and soil functions.
Who can apply?
Farmers, landowners, land managers, groups of farmers, on their own or in collaboration with research institutes, universities and/or private companies. The call is open for applicants from all European countries.
Why apply?
To recognize the great value of the farmer’s work, by promoting the winning project as a good practice at the European level. Also, to enhance the visibility of such ways of farming at the local, national as well as European scale and to encourage the farmers to further develop their work in a sustainable path.
5.000 € is awarded to the winning project every year. The Jury can also award a Diploma of Recognition.
How to apply?
The call for application is open from October 1, you need to send the filled-out application form latest on January 20, 2021. The award is bestowed to the winner every year during the Forum for the Future of Agriculture (FFA) Gala Dinner.
Please note: the application should preferably be filled out in English. If the application chooses another language a well-structured English summary of the project should be enclosed. Submit your project via e-mail to the Award Coordinator at Emmanuelle.mikosz@elo.org and share your success!
Deadline: January 20, 2021.
For more information please contact Emmanuelle Mikosz, Award Coordinator at Emmanuelle.mikosz@elo.org.
This award has been launched in 2008 by the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO), under the auspices of the European Commission (DG Environment and the Joint Research Centre) and in association with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) of Vienna, Syngenta International AG, as well as the Centre for Soil and Environmental Sciences of the Ljubljana University. Since then, the award jury has selected outstanding achievements throughout the European Union in the field of sustainable soil and land management.
Members of the Jury
– Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Dr.h.c.mult. Martin H. GERZABEK – President of the Jury
– Thierry de L’ESCAILLE, ELO Secretary General
– Dr. Jeremy DYSON, FI Soil Sci; Fellow of Institute of Professional Soil Scientists
– Emeritus Prof., Dr. Franc LOBNIK
– Luca MONTANARELLA, Senior Expert, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate D – Sustainable Resources, Land Resources Unit
– Claudia OLAZABAL, European Commission, DG ENVI, Head of Unit, Natural Capital, Land Use and Management
For more information please open this link