Please save these videos, because when the FSB network from Moldova arrests me, the Russian network from America will try to block all my social networks and attack my sites!
Plop Andrei, Update, August 16, 2023
The Russian spy agency in America still hopes that they will be saved by the FSB network in Moldova! Why are Americans afraid to pass the polygraph test!
The FSB network from Moldova is still looking for ways to save the FSB network from Romania, Poland and America, and the Americans are helping the Russian agency to destroy me financially, morally and physically! This is why the Americans still collaborate with the FSB network from Moldova!
If I were to investigate, starting with the interrogation of the Poles who collaborated with the Romanians and Moldovans during the period when I was an asylum seeker in Poland in 2017, then I would find the entire Russian agency in Poland and also interrogate the Moldovans and Romanians who they followed me in Georgia, Poland and Canada, then I would find all the Russian agencies in Moldova, Romania and the USA!
If the Poles put me face to face with the Moldovans and Romanians who followed me in Poland, after 48 hours, all the Romanians and Moldovans would be arrested for espionage in favor of Russia, but the Poles did not want to investigate and after the publication of the book, the Poles they defend the Moldovan rapists and the Russian agency in Moldova! Why they do this? It’s very simple: because they themselves are Russian spies! Why they do not want me to pass the polygraph test? It is very simple! Everyone will find out that I have never worked for any intelligence/or information service, that I am not and have never been a member of any organization or freemasonry and that no one had the right to film me or record me or sign me in my name!
the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and the USA will continue to follow me in Bulgaria to destroy me financially, morally and physically even if some of them will declare that they are coming to help!
I declare again: that any person who will follow me in Bulgaria (any person without any exception) and record my conversations, film me or write that I spoke and this information will not appear on my official networks, this it means that it belongs to the FSB network from Moldova and Romania!
Update August 12, 2023
as I also wrote in this book that I am ready to pass the polygraph test before the French or Bulgarian authorities! on the 28th of September I will be transiting through Paris and on the 29th of September I will be in Sofia! I am ready to take the polygraph test because I have never worked nor do I work for any intelligence or information service! that no one had the right or has the right to film me, record me or speak on my behalf! that I am not a member of any NGO or Freemasonry! why am i ready to take the polygraph test? so that the French or Bulgarian authorities are not involved in acts of corruption or espionage in favor of the Russians!
Update August 12, 2023
it is already obvious that the Americans do not want the truth to be known because Americans, Poles, Romanians and Moldovans will end up in prison for espionage in favor of the Russians! I am coming again with the same initiative to pass the polygraph test in any EU member country, and all NATO ambassadors and military attachés must be good! it is enough to have 3 foreign ambassadors or NATO member military attachés! the Americans still want to earn money and be promoted in their career with the help of the Russians and still hope that the FSB network in Moldova and Romania will destroy me!
Update, August 14, 2023
Americans continue to support the FSB network and Americans still hope that the FSB network will continue to save them! methods are still being sought for me to be imprisoned, killed or other forms of destroying a person! I share these posts almost every day, week and have been sharing for almost 7 years! do you know how many times the Polish authorities tried to find out the truth from me? never!!! but the americans? as!! the FSB network will continue to lie and do everything they can to escape prison!
I have stated several times that I have not worked and do not work for any intelligence service, that I am not a member of Freemasonry, that I am not a member of any organization or political party! and I declared and declare that I am ready to pass the polygraph test! anywhere and anytime! is there any reason for me to be followed by the FSB network from Moldova (by any person, without exception, regardless of whether he declares himself an activist or a friend or relative) obviously not! but they, the FSB network from Moldova, Romania, Poland and America will also follow me in Bulgaria! obviously yes! even if it is declared that the fight with the Russians, know that any person who follows me in Bulgaria is part of the Russian agency! all without exception, even if they will arrive before me in Bulgaria! they will come to Bulgaria with only one purpose for which they were recruited by the Russians! to destroy me, to be further promoted by the Russian network and to earn money! no one has the right to record me, to film me or to appear or speak in my name! any person who declares that he has the right to appear or speak in my name, then he is a Russian spy! if you consider me a Russian spy, let’s pass the polygraph test, but you don’t want me to pass the polygraph test either and you still want to follow me!

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