International Jobs/ Global Lead – Digital Engagement/ Climate Action Network – International
ORGANISATION SUMMARY: Climate Action Network (CAN) is a global network of more than 1,800 civil society organisations in over 130 countries driving collective and sustainable action to fight…
Adam Smith Fellowship 2023-2024 at the Mercatus Institute at George Mason University
The Adam Smith Fellowship is a co-sponsored program of the Mercatus Center and Liberty Fund, Inc. Adam Smith Fellowships are awarded to graduate students attending PhD programs at any university and…
Yale Young Global Scholars Program 2023
THE YYGS APPLICATON IS OPEN! YYGS is excited to return to campus and offer residential sessions for June & July 2023. We have outlined policies and answered common questions on…
Erasmus Mundus SERP-Chem Scholarship To Study In #Europe
Programme overview “Surface, Electro-, Radiation, and Photo-Chemistry” The SERP+ master is a two-year interdisciplinary programme in chemistry, physical chemistry and materials science. The curriculum is supplemented by an…
Lebesgue Master Scholarship In #France For All
Lebesgue Master Scholarship The Lebesgue Center offers 10,000€ scholarships to outstanding mathematics students applying for a master programme in mathematics, or for a second year of Master (M2), in…
Programme Management Officer, P4 job in #Brussels, #Belgium/ #UnitedNations
Posting Title: PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT OFFICER, P4 Job Code Title: PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT OFFICER Department/Office: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Duty Station: BRUSSELS Posting Period: 16 November 2022…
Apply now for Under the Starry Sky – Youth Action for SDGs!
In September, WFUNA partnered with the Norwegian bank SpareBank 1 SMN to launch “Under the Starry Sky”. This nine-month program provides a unique opportunity for young people to get a…
Plop Andrei: Am fost și sunt în top bloggeri din Moldova!
Eram in top bloguri pina in momentul cand am inceput sa scriu si in limba engleza! Ei accepta doar postari in limba romana si rusa insa nu si in…
If the Russian opposition had been supported by the West, would there still be a war in Ukraine today?!
If the Russian opposition had been supported by the West, would there still be a war in Ukraine today?! yes, it would have been a war because the Americans collaborate…
Dacă opoziția rusă ar fi fost susținută de occident ar mai fi fost azi razboi în Ucraina?!
Cei care mi-au citit lucrarea cred că și-au dat seama de intenția mea! Eu folosesc Telegramul și după cum știți că Telegramul este fondat de un frați Durov…
Vor să scape de Alaiba?!
Sursa Foto Facebook: Dumitru Alaiba Deputatul Dumitru Alaiba a fost numit ministru al Economiei după ce Sergiu Gaibu și-a dat demisia. Spre deosebire de alte țări în…
I will continue to inform the international community about the corruption and the Nazi experiments made by the #Poles in the refugee camps!
I will continue to inform the international community about the corruption and the Nazi experiments made by the #Poles in the refugee camps! and I like such answers as…
Video/ Despre moldovencele materialiste !
Unul dintre primele șocuri când refugiatele ucrainence au ajuns în Germania și au început să se întâlnească cu nemți a fost când le venea nota de plată! Unii nemți…
Plop Andrei: Poles do Nazi experiments on refugees in refugee camps!
update November 5, 2022 will the Poles continue to do Nazi experiments against me together with the Moldavians and Romanians (FSB/GRU)? of course they will continue! because the Poles can…
The pimp Vlad Plahotniuc was included in the Global Magnitsky Act sanctions list!
PRESS RELEASES Treasury Targets Corruption and the Kremlin’s Malign Influence Operations in Moldova October 26, 2022 WASHINGTON — Today, the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets…
Update / Communists who rule Moldova! A communist will never become a liberal!!!!
A communist will never become a liberal!!!! it is important that those from the west know who leads Moldova! The fact that they changed their names and moved from…
Video/ Ştiinţific sunt un bou!!! Despre incompetența celor de la MAE România și Ambasadele/Consulate din Moldova
Update 28 octombrie 2022 După cum am menționat și în cerere adresată PARCHETULUI DE PE LÂNGĂ ÎNALTA CURTE DE CASAŢIE ŞI JUSTIŢIE că în luna august 2022 erau procesate cererile…
Plop Andrei/ #Russia – #Ukraine War: What Will Happen Next?
About 600 e-mails were sent to ambassadors from several countries ( Ambassadors accredited in Canada, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Switzerland)! The documents were also sent to about 600 MEPs in the…
World Food Programme Paid Internships
Start your humanitarian experience The World Food Programme is always looking for talented, motivated and enthusiastic students from around the world. An internship at WFP is a great opportunity…
CERN Administrative Student Program in #Switzerland
Administrative Student Programme 2022-2 Geneva, Switzerland Full-time Company Description At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. Using…
The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP)
The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) is open to citizens of certain developing countries with relevant professional experience and a history of supporting their countries’ development efforts who are applying…
ClimateLaunchpad: The Green Business Ideas Competition 2022
Competition ClimateLaunchpad: The Green Business Ideas Competition Our competition is your ticket to global success. Provided you have a green business idea and have what it takes to become…
Scholarships for #Ukrainian students TH Köln
Ukrainian students of TH Köln, who are facing financial hardship due to the war in Ukraine, can apply for a 3-month scholarship of up to 861 EUR per month.…
Institutional Relations & Advocacy Officer (Maternity Cover) job in #Brussels, #Belgium/ Assembly of European Regions (AER)
Role Description Under the direct supervision of the Secretary General, the Institutional Relations & Advocacy Officer will play a central role in implementing the AER’s advocacy strategy, in…
Education in Emergency Advisor job in #Lviv, #Ukraine/ Save the Children
Education in Emergency Advisor – (220002T1) Education in Emergency Advisor ROLE PURPOSE: The EiE Advisor will be deployed to large emergency. The EiE Advisor will be expected to lead on sectoral…
Policy Analyst job in #Brussels, #Belgium | Full-time/ Milieu Consulting SRL
We are looking for a full-time Policy Analyst with experience in EU policy analysis for an immediate position to support our busy team. Key tasks will include the following:…
POWER/ #Google Women Tech Founders Program 2022 for #MiddleEast and #NorthAfrica
The U.S. Department of State, through the Providing Opportunities for Women’s Economic Rise (POWER) Initiative, has partnered with Google’s Women Techmakers to host the Women Tech Founders Program. This…
World Bank Legal Vice Presidency (LEG VPU) Internship Program
The World Bank Legal Vice Presidency The World Bank Legal Vice Presidency offers highly-motivated law students an opportunity to be exposed to the mission and work of the World Bank…
French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Program
French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Program Call for applications The French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme offers 10-month fellowships in the six Institutes of Aix-Marseille, Loire Valley,…
ODI Fellowship Scheme 2022 – 2024
Programme/ Department: Fellowship Contract Type: Fixed Term Salary: GBP 21,000 (GBP 23,000 in the second year) net of taxation, plus accommodation allowance Location: Global Hours: Full time Closing Date:…
Harvard Lead Fellowship for Promoting Women in Global Health
Harvard Lead Fellowship for Promoting Women in Global Health Women are agents of change when they work in leadership positions. Research shows that they implement policies that create better lives…
Plop Andrei: #Moldova will be the next country attacked by the #Russians!
update July 11, 2022 I think it is too early to talk about the year 2024 but in 2024 the mandates of the presidents of the Republic of #Moldova,…
How Gheorghe Petic will be destroyed! ( Article published July 21, 2018)
Article published July 21, 2018 How Gheorghe Petic will be destroyed! Gheorghe, we support you, we are with you! For all Bessarabian students studying in Romania, they are probably known…
Plop Andrei: AXA Bruxelles – Moscova – Beijing – Washington
Publicat pe 23 ianuarie 2014 La o simplă analiză găsim patru centre de putere UE, SUA, China și Rusia, numai discutăm de o lume unipolară sau bipolară secolul XXI v-a…
Plop Andrei: Dosarul nuclear Iranian
publicat pe vechiul blog pe 13 februarie 2014 ,, Astăzi se poartă o bătălie între modern şi medieval, în joc nu este doar viitorul ţării mele, miza este viitorul acestei lumi,…
Plop Andrei: Evoluţia regiunii Transnistrene
Publicat pe vechiul blog pe 1 martie 2014 Pentru toți liderii ruşi din Imperiului Țarist, Uniunea Sovietică sau Rusia post-sovietică, regiunea Transnistriei a reprezentat un cap de pod-cheie care oferea…
Plop Andrei: Conflictul din Nagorno-Karabah
Publicat pe blog pe 30 ianuarie 2014 Istoricul grec Strabo şi cronicile armene susţin că partea de vest a teritoriului modern al Azerbaidjanului până în secolul V a fost populat…
Plop Andrei: Revoluţia Portocalie din #Ucraina
Publicat pe vechiul blog pe 5 mai 2014 Anul 2003 a fost marcat de ,, revoluţia trandafirilor” din Georgia, iar în 2004 a avut loc revoluţia portocalie din Ucraina. Victoria…
Plop Andrei: Concepţia de securitate a Federaţiei Ruse.
Publicat pe vechiul blog pe 18 mai 2014 În mai 1992 a fost semnat un tratat de Securitate Colectivă, cunoscut şi ca Tratatul de la Taşkent. Statele semnatare erau…
Plop Andrei: Istoria şi geopolitica Ucrainei
Publicat pe blog pe 7 mai 2014 Începuturile Ucrainei se confundă cu istoria existenţei Rusiei Kievene, primul stat al slavicilor estici. În secolele X-XI, Rusia Kieveană devenit unul din cele…
Plop Andrei: Realpolitik-ul lui Putin.
Publicat pe blog pe 13 mai 2014 Ca urmare a dispariţiei URSS, frontiera s-a schimbat radical însă Kremlinul nu a asistat pasiv la decăderea de la statul de mare putere…
Plop Andrei: Războiul informaţional
Publicat pe blog pe 23 iulie 2014 Chiar înainte de încheierea celui de-al doilea război mondial au început să apară primele semne de dezacord între aliaţi. Războiul Ideologilor a reprezentat…
Plop Andrei: Stażyści – Edycja wiosenna 2014. Międzynarodowy Program Staży Parlamentarnych.
published on the blog on August 2, 2014 Wiosną 2014 roku młodzi obywatele Niemiec, Litwy, Węgier, oraz Rumunii mieli możliwość czynnego uczestnictwa w życiu politycznym i parlamentarnym Polski w ramach Międzynarodowego…
Plop Andrei: Neutralitatea României din primul război mondial
Publicat pe vechiul blog in octombrie 2014 Încă din prima zi a războiului, România începuse tratative cu Antanta, străindu-se să obţină teritorii foarte importante în Bucovina, în Transilvania şi în…
Plop Andrei: Primăvara de la #Praga şi #România
Publicat pe vechiul blog in noiembrie 2014 „Primăvara de la Praga” – denumirea populară a scurtei perioade de liberalizare din Cehoslovacia din 1967-1969. A început cu refuzul armatei de a…
Plop Andrei: Strategia de Securitate Naţională a României din 1999
Publicat pe vechiul blog in noiembrie 2014 Strategia de securitate naţională cuprinde principalele direcţii privind asigurarea securităţii naţionale în plan intern şi extern. Strategia în sens larg poate fi definită…
Plop Andrei: Participarea României la operaţiunile şi misiunile Alianţei Nord-Atlantice
Publicat pe blogul meu vechi in 2014 Pornind de la premisa că, într-un mediu global interdependent, securitatea naţională a României este direct afectată de menţinerea unor focare de tensiune şi…
Plop Andrei: Vulnerabilităţi pentru Strategia de Securitate Națională din #România
publicat pe blog pe vechiul meu blog in ianuarie 2015 Cunoaşterea exactă a inamicului în orice moment, a intenţiilor şi posibilităţilor sale reale, existenţa unor forţe şi mijloace de lovire…
Plop Andrei: Update/ De ce are Moldova de o mobilizare generală și de o armată profesionistă
Articol publicat pe 14 februarie 2022 Hai să începem mai întâi de toate că porcul în ajun nu se îngrașă și că toate acțiunile care trebuie…
Изменения в системе государственного управления
После объединения основных земель Севере-Восточной Руси вокруг Москвы в середине 50-х годов XV в. началось создание государственного аппарата на основах, отличавшихся от тех, на которых строилось княжение предшественников Василия Темного.…
Mastercard/ Women SME Leaders Awards
THE AWARDS As a celebration of women business leaders across the Middle East and Africa, Mastercard has partnered with Entrepreneur Middle East to present the first ever Women SME…
Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Summer School
ACU Summer School 2022 – applications now open Closing date: 1 March at 16:00 UTC Find out how to apply Join us in Leeds, UK from 31 July-8 August for…
Fellowship Programme of the #UN Human Rights Office
(Call for applications open: 15 February – 15 March 2022) The United Nations Human Rights Office manages two Humanitarian Funds: the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms…
Policy Adviser job in #Brussels, #Belgium/ EUROPEX – Association of European Energy Exchanges
POLICY ADVISER: POWER AND GAS MARKETS The successful candidate will work on a full-time basis in the Europex Secretariat in Brussels and will be part of a small dynamic…
Graduate Research Scholarships in #Australia
Graduate Research Scholarships Available to high-achieving students undertaking graduate research at the University of Melbourne. Application type No application is required. You will be automatically considered for this award.…
UN Women Passion to Profit: Video Challenge
Are you between 18 and 35 years old? Are you running a business (profitable or social enterprise) that is combating climate change? Is your business either a women-owned enterprise…
Project Manager for the Regional Project for the African Minigrids Program (AMP)/ United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Location : Home Based, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Application Deadline : 02-Mar-22 (Midnight New York, USA) Time left : 10d 10h 55m Additional Category : Climate & Disaster Resilience…
Call for Applications/ Careers at European Environmental Bureau
JOB VACANCY: SECRETARY GENERAL 16 February 2022 The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) is looking for a SECRETARY GENERAL Are you a passionate, versatile and creative leader who knows how to…
Apply now for President’s PhD. Scholarships 2022 in the #UK/ (@imperialcollege)
Scholarships for the 2022-23 academic year If you are a high performing undergraduate or Master’s student and have a strong desire to undertake a PhD programme at a world-class…
British Council scholarships for women in STEM
Are you a woman with a degree in a STEM subject and passionate about your study? You could receive a scholarship to study a master’s degree, or an early…
111 positions on ERC-funded research projects across Europe
Researchers of any nationality can develop their career through public funding linked to ERC projects, even if they do not receive an ERC Grant. Recipients of ERC grants can…
#GERMANY: DAAD Research Grants – One-Year and Short-Term Grants
Research Grants – One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates Objective The primary aim of this programme is to promote research projects within the context of doctoral programmes. Who can apply?…
Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) Global Academy
Eligibility The MESA Global Academy offers competitive fellowships to Middle East Studies scholars from the MENA region who are currently displaced in North America. Eligibility criteria for the fellowships include:…
Mobility Grant for Norwegian Language, Literature and Culture
Are you studying Norwegian language, literature or culture at Master or Ph.D. level? If so you could be eligible for a grant. The mobility grant is awarded Master…